Animal Communicator / Healer
Animal Communicator / Healer
What is an animal communicator?
What is an animal communicator?
My name is William (Bill) Kilfoyle C.M.T. and I am an animal communicator, healer, and certified massage therapist for people and animals. Since 1992 , I mentally tune in and get thoughts and feelings from animals about how they're doing mentally, emotionally, and physically. I also act as a go between for animals and their owners. I have communicated with a wide variety of animals including dogs, cats, horses, birds, snakes, lizards, whales, and dolphins.
What is Reiki healing?
What is Reiki healing?
I am a Reiki practitioner for animals and people. Reiki is an ancient healing technique that originated in Tibet. It utilizes universal healing energy that is all around us and focuses it to a specific person or animal. It can be done with the laying on of hands or long distance by mental direction. I have had miraculous results with Reiki on many animals and people.
What is the cost of a reading?
What is the cost of a reading?
Sessions, or readings by me are either 30 minutes for $55.00, or 60 minutes for $75.00. There may be an additional travel fee for home visits depending on your location.
Please click on the Services Page to pay with Paypal or credit card. Readings can be done in person or over the phone. The same applies to my Reiki work on both price and application. Please call today and find out how your animal friends are doing. References are available on request.
How did I start doing this work?
How did I start doing this work?
I have been working with animals professionally since 1992.
Although I discovered my gift in 1982 in a class on how to develop your psychic abilities. At first it scared me and so I left it alone for 10 years, during which I studied eastern philosophy, and traveled to India. These studies helped me to understand my gift and the world around me. I became a certified massage therapist and went to people's homes to work on them. One of my regular clients had a great dog named Sid, an Australian shepherd, who I became very fond of. One day I noticed that she seemed sad and I asked her owner about it. She said she had noticed her head hanging low and her walking slowly as I had, but didn't know why. So without any judgement about it, I mentally asked Sid what was wrong, and these thoughts came to me, "They're breaking up (my client and her partner) and I have to go live with her (my client's) father, and I don't like him." These thoughts were clear in my mind and I knew they weren't mine, they came from Sid. So I asked my client about it and she confirmed that indeed her and her partner were splitting up and Sid would have to go and live with her father. My client asked me to ask Sid if there was anything else bothering her and Sid replied to me that she missed the the little white dog she used to live with. My client confirmed this fact also and had me ask Sid if she would like another little white dog. The answer was clear, "I'm not stupid, I would know it's not the same dog." My client was a business consultant and she encouraged me to do this work. I owe her a great deal for her help. I look forward to helping you and your animal friends.
Thank you for your interest,
Bill. 916-247-9003